Friday, April 11, 2008

Decline in morality

Do you ever ask yourself where are we going ? Or the next question do we really care?
I would say the second question would be the correct answer.  We have forgotten what is really important because we are a society of we deserve more. Why do we deserve more? Because we think we deserve more, we're special, important, talented, have  luxury cars, fancy homes and most of all we have a lot of money which makes us think we are special. Time for a wake up call I will tell you who is special it is your minister. priest or any one who toils everyday helping those who can not help themselves giving of them selves not for money but for love and to share the teachings of Jesus Christ. When is the last time you read your bible, held prayer with your family, went to church other then Christmas or Easter. No wonder our children are in decay they are being raised in day care centers because mother wants to work and make money for the bigger house or it is hard to be home with children there is no stimulation like there is in the work place.  Some send there children to Christian Schools so the children learn about God but there is no Christian attitude in the home so this only confuses the children. They are taught to be Christians in school but at home no one practices the christian faith.  Why? Their too busy, too tired or in general do not care.  The churches today do not ask their parishioners to bring there bibles to church
why should they, no one reads  the scriptures anyway. It is time to rethink where you are going  and what you really want out of life. Is it money, fame, or just the empty feeling of  being important or do you finally come to the realization that the most important decision you will ever make is to follow the teaching of Jesus Christ.  Get into a good bible study and study the word daily  it will open all kind of doors for you and you will finally find the peace and contentment  that each one of us long for. 


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