Saturday, November 22, 2008


One million years ago man wore animal skins and huddled around a fire pit to stay warm .  Today men still wear animal skins and continue to use fire to keep them warm.  Nothing has changed.  As we look at the  cabinet choices being made by  President Elect Obama it seems to me nothing has changed it will be  a typical left wing Washington agenda. Of course taxes will go sky high Gays will continue to push there human rights agenda, abortion clinics will be protected and the illegal Mexicans will once more continue there march over the borders. The only hope we have is to continue to regroup and support the Christian right in the up coming elections and what they stand for and in the next four years take our country back.  This will not be an easy task the media and newspapers will not support us but one must always remember we have the most power full weapon of all Jesus Christ.


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