Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The lost art of values

Problem today is children have no values. What happened to doing chores with mom and dad, planting a garden so they can experience first hand God's work with nature. No one plays in ball parks anymore, rides a bicycle, skinny dips in a lake, pond or stream. No spends a quite summer just reading books about Tom Sawyer or Becky Thatcher and dreaming of there first love to be. Now it is watching tv or spending time on a computer or talking on a cell phone they really do no need.  Mom and dad are always working and say to there children do not bother me I am busy.  I would like to know busy at what ? What can be more important then taking time with your children my parents read to me prayed with me laughed and also cried with me. Today no one goes to church anymore they are to tired and of course there is always a sunday game on tv ask yourself when is the last time you said grace at a meal with or with out your children being there. Now days it seems that values are a lost art or something that only your grandparents treasured.


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