Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mr President

Well, we have three days left with President Bush and already it has begun.  Obama is passing everything on to him and saying  I am not the president yet so I will or have no comments on any foreign policy.  The fun is just starting with this yahoo he will dodge or not answer any questions about anything because he has no answers and no experience in any public office running  the show. His lack of leadership will be felt immediately.  He has no answers does not understand anything and is too arrogant and self absorbed to ask anyone to advise him.  What a putz you think Jimmy Carter was a nightmare wait four years with this guy Carter will look like an angel.  Why does anyone vote for a Democrat they will ruin this country someday.  As  the President said at a news conference  when asked about his legacy  it does not concern him Jesus is coming.  I REST MY CASE.


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