Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Undecided

Don't you love the people who say I am an Independent Voter like it is something special. What it really means is (I CAN'T THINK ).  Anyone who understands what voting is all about knows there are only two party's the Democrats & Republicans. One stands for God , Country & moral values the other one for gay marriage, no prayer in the schools, abortion, open borders need I go on. My question is what it left for  the Independent Party to stand for I think all our bases have been covered by the other two party's. I rest my case.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Easter Message

The most important message to remember always is John 3:16 it says it all.  I pray for all the people in the world to understand what this message really means and to know God is fulfilling all his promises as we speak and at this time in history we must prepare for his final message which is the coming of Jesus Christ our redeemer.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Words To Live by

My pastor is very militant but I am not. But I have been going to his church exposing my children to his message and that was okay.  Oh and finally that is the way all black churches preach today that white man are the devil , we deserve 911, and we injected the aids virus into the black men of america.  O H AND ONE MORE THING I WANT TO BE YOUR NEXT PRESIDENT. Is there something wrong with this message ????

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Thought For The Day

Do you realize how the average person votes? They vote for the person they like.  They have no idea what either party really stands for.  The Republicans are not perfect but they believe in God , Country & most of all family values.  Please do your self a favor and watch FOX news it certainly will give you something to think about. After all it is your country and if you vote for a democrat you have no one to blame but yourself as you watch the country go down in mass confusion more taxes , gay marriage, abortion, amnesty for illegals , open borders, more jobs lost overseas. PLEASE PASS THIS ON