Fixing The Government
Well once again we are faced with our mistakes that we voted for in 2008 and how it is really effecting us today. Obama is the worst President since Jimmy Carter and still many citizens refuse to open there eyes and see the truth. He is trying to pit the middle & lower class against the wealthy it seems to me Stalin tried that with the Russian people and after 70 years it fell apart after 30 million Russian people had been murdered. And of course there is China same thing. Thank God we have the tea party with out them I am afraid life as we know it today would be over. We have to get rid of those career politicians with there hands out only for the money they can get from the lobbyists . We must support candidates who really want to save our country by bringing this outlandish spending under control and return us to a more Democratic and smaller Government. And if one really looks at the problems you will see that this is are our only hope for the future If it were up to the liberals we would be involved in major class warfare against the wealthy and if they had there way I believe they would at some point want to put a salary cap on what the wealthy could earn and redistribute the rest of there money to the Government to spend on social programs for people that do not want to work. Look at what is happening in Europe today it is collapsing under it's social programs half the people in England our on welfare Greece and France our soon to follow and if we do not chose wisely in the coming election it can happen to us. THINK ABOUT IT!
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