What Is Wrong With The Royal Family Today
Morals in the United Kingdom, guess what there are none. So how can the people in England live in a moral world when the Queen and her family show the whole world they do not. Prince Charles had no Morales and guess what neither does his son Prince William. He openly tells the world that he has lived in sin with Kate for four years and of course they did not have sex.Right! And he does not even want to wear a wedding ring. What kind of example does that provide to the young people of the world? No wonder the Church Of England is under fire and is losing it's supporters because moral values are going out of style in the U.K. and all their commonwealth possessions like Canada, Australia etc. And it is sad to say that America seems doomed to the same type of morality. I ask you my readers do your children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, husbands or wives go to church or enjoy a Bible study group on a regular basis ? I hope so because the world is on a collision course with it's Biblical prophecy and destiny that has been promised to us since Jesus died on the cross. If you think that the world is turning correctly you better study the Bible because the Anti-Christ is here and preparing to gain control of this earth and destroy all the Christians that are standing in his way. The only thing that Christians have going for them to protect them from Satan is the coming rapture where God will lift His Christian family with a shout and a sounding trumpet and all Christians will be raised to the heavens and we will watch the destruction and chaos left behind for those non-believers. Watch the coming events of China and Russia as they seek to unify and gain control of the earth. We do not fear the Muslims because they are just pawns in this game of chess warfare that is coming. THINK ABOUT IT.
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