Monday, December 6, 2010

The Lala Land President

Once again Mr Obama is demonstrating that he does not live on our planet. He on Fox News tried once again to talk his gibberish about our dismal economy like we were children and he is the father explaining to us the facts of life. I guess we reached an agreement on the tax and unemployment relief that we the American people have been waiting for. But of course in his words he felt like he was being held up and forced to concede to the final agreement. He continues to blame the Republicans for everything and he cried the poor me's and said they were holding back on all the events and he must concede for the good of the country. He claims our debt is so high that we must increase taxes on the rich to pay this enormous debt that we have incurred and of course he never mentioned that he created most of this debt. He still believes that we must take all we can from the rich and give it to those who do not want to work and of course we must continue to provide for the illegal Mexicans their right to free medicine, education and all of our social programs. This man who has never worked for a living other than in government service is in LaLa land and I do believe he wants everyone else to live there to. THINK ABOUT IT!


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