The Really World
It was quite an interesting program that I picked up on talk radio last night. Talk show personality John Savage who broadcasts out of New York is the real deal. He makes more sense then any of the other conservative radio talk personality's because he does not try to be hateful nor does he bash everyone who does not agree with him. But what he was talking about this evening was his last trip to La La land Los Angeles . He was attending a Bat Mitz Vah at the Beverly Hills Wilshire Hotel and while he was there he and a few of his friends wanting a little space went to the the Polo Room at the hotel. He was gracious and decided to buy the first round of drinks for he and seven other friends when he got the bill it was over three hundred dollars with out the tip. Then out of curiosity he ordered a wine list the wine was listed for a low of $500.00 a bottle to a high of $6000.00 a bottle when questioning the waiter about the prices the waiter quickly responded that they had to lower there prices considerable because of the economy. To this writer it seems to me how out of sink the real world really is and how people have no idea what is really important gluttony is the order for the day and businesses men say lets steal as much from our customers as we can. And right in front of our face we are staring at a person who is living this nightmare and wants to continue it because he has no idea about real value systems and how they work nor does he care. Just wait till inflation hits us and taxes go sky high and people still have no jobs it seems to me that La La Land is going to expand like a giant cancer. Hang on the ride is not over yet. THINK ABOUT IT!
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