The Best Is Yet To Come
Well here we are in the last days of 2009 and Obama is still telling us the best is yet to come. I wonder what crystal ball he is looking into. He is still blaming President Bush for everything that has not gone right for him which of course is everything. He told us on nationwide T.V. that the Muslims are one of the world's greatest religions. So much for his Christian values. This guy could be the next anti-Christ except that this would mean he must make decisions and of course to date he is failing in that department. He now has turned to stumping for his next election which is three years away every time he gives a speech his writers and advisers have no clue how to run the government, the speaker of the house is a bust, 53 per cent of the public think he is doing a lousy job which by the way he is. The only good thing is the more he moves to the left the less time on the tube to put us to sleep with his senseless pandering of words. Maybe he ought to ask God for wisdom like King Solomon did when he became King , he was overwhelmed at the time he became The King and asked God for wisdom and if you choose to read your Bible it will tell you the he became the wisest of all the Jewish Kings because of his faith in God. THINK ABOUT IT.
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