Friday, September 18, 2009

Lies & Deception

Obama, I do not think who is worse you or Pelosi. What a pair you make ! You can not make a decision and she makes all the wrong decisions. And your latest decision to back away and remove the shield of protection for Poland and the rest of that area is quite cowardly. What could you be thinking are you that afraid of the Russians?? Maybe you should let your outspoken wife handle the Russians since you can't. And of course, there is the issue of ACORN which of course you are trying to repudiate that you have nothing in common with I suggest you go back to some of your campaign promises and then try to continue to lie to us and finally there is health care which by the grace of God you will not pass. You have spent your first year in office showing the American people that you have no leadership qualities. You can not run the government, you have no back bone and as a typical Democrat you can lie and try to deceive us with the best of them. All the Democrat programs do not and have never worked for us. Social Security is broke, Medicare & Medicaid are broke, the Post Office is going broke and you want us to trust you with our health insurance, what a joke ! Thank God we have elections coming next fall and a chance to remove these incompetent legislators like Harry Reed and his group .THINK ABOUT IT.


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