Muslim Express
Well Obama has done it again this time in front of the whole Muslim world. What choice of a President have the people elected. He sold us out in Europe and now to the Muslim world. He tells them we are not Christian nation but a Muslim nation. What planet is this guy on our founding fathers plainly stated when we set up our nation that we were one nation under God and were seeped in Judo Christian philosophy . It is quite clear to me that he does not have a clear picture of the world and how can anyone forget what he said about our Jewish allies that we would no longer support them if they were going to expand their territory. Has he ever read the Holy Bible where it clearly states that God made a covenant with the Jews and gave them the land called Canaan which today is know as Palestine. And if one chooses to explore these words they would find out that land includes where the Palestinians live today. The Romans when they conquered Israel struck down the name Israel from the then known world map and replaced it with the word Palestine. So I make my case who does the land really belong too? One of the promises that God made on the second coming of Christ was look for the return of Israel to there promised land where they would once more rule and that happened in 1947 when Israel was recognized as a Jewish state. Jesus said when asked by his disciples about his return no one knows but our Heavenly Father but that He would come like a thief in the night. The Jewish people are God's chosen people when you choose to turn away from helping them that is a rejection to God and for those who reject Israel God will no longer protect . Obama is very dangerous what he told the Muslims about Israel is total blasphemy to God and we could very well all pay for it if he truly does reject Israel. THINK ABOUT IT.
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