Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Obama Strikes Again

What is there really to write about the voters are getting what they deserve a man who can not make up his mind, soft on terrorists and is backing away daily from his campaign promises.  Now comes the issue about Bo he was supposed to be purchased from the dog pound as a show of good faith  Obama  was quite definite about that but as per his normal I will take the easy way out he left Bo's brother to die at the pound while he accepted  the gift from Mr Liberal himself Ted lets have a drink the bar is open Kennedy.  This is quite a bargain the voters are getting we have not  seen such a complete disaster since Jimmy  I wish I was a Muslim Carter.  This guy loves the camera and thinks he is a rock star.  And how about the left wing writer from the L.A. Times who hates the right and the Bush Administration  for how they handled the  war in IRAQ she is now going to advise the  Defense Department on how to handle the safety and security of this country.  Hang in there it only going to get better Mr Cool is just getting started.  THINK ABOUT IT.


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