The President
Well it did not take too long for Mr Obama to show his true colors and his arrogant streak. He is determined to talk us into socialism in the worst way and in his trying to do it in his first three weeks of office. I love how he talks about the Republicans and how they are holding up his stimulus bill how can that be when they are in the minority at this time thank God we also have Democrats who see thru this nightmare too. And then he states we must pass this stimulus bill or we will collapse. Pressure, Pressure Mr Obama welcome to the White House. Thank God he will only be here for four years. It is apparent to this writer that all Democrats are not tied to Nancy Pelosi's type of government which is absolutely a major spending spree to get us into socialism and back into large government. Let us continue to understand that this bill as it is being projected is wrong for the country and many of our Senators on both side see this quite clearly. And then there are the confirmation hearings with more sleazy Democrats who do not want to pay there taxes but they continue to tell us how to run our country. Please remember these things in two years when we get a chance to vote these sleaze bags out. The Republicans are not perfect but they are not like the Democrats who promise to give you everything you want but do not tell you where the money will come from. And finally one must realize the reason we have these recessions every ten years is because the government can not handle the money much like most of our citizens with their credit cards and demands for bigger and more expensive items that they can not afford. It all comes down to one thing self control when you are handling MONEY. The Bible is quite clear when it tells us "the root of all evil is money". THINK ABOUT IT.
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