The Economy How Sweet It Is
Well thanks to Obama our national debt is 1 trillion dollars and that is only in six months. The country's soaring deficits are making the Chinese and other foreign buyers of US debt nervous, which could make them reluctant lenders down the road. Thank you Mr. Obama. And of course there is the national health care issue and a second stimulus bill which if it is passed would be a total disaster. National health care does not work in Canada after many years of trying why does Obama and his team of Czars think it will work here. This man is a loose cannon and if we do not put the brakes on him triple digit inflation is on the way. And as Harry Carey would say Holy Cow look at us now. We have three !/2 years left with this clown God only knows what could happen in this time frame. He knows he is in over his head and now he is trying to divert the attention from himself back to the Bush administration with false charges. Does anyone out there understand what is happening and really care about it??? With the 2010 elections coming up we have a chance to at least elect people who can hold this tiger down. THINK ABOUT IT !
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