The Free Lunch
It seems that the elusive Mr Obama once again wants to tap dance around all the important issues and promises he has made. Perhaps at his next physical they might give him a brain scan because he has memory lapses every time he pitches for more power with his "I will change the world speeches". This guy is a typical African American living in our society give me give me give me everything you can because I deserve it I do not want to work and God forbid that I should live a decent life in the homes that the government provides and of course I need more welfare money because my daughter is now pregnant with her third or fourth illegitimate child. And of course, my son is in prison for selling drugs and he needs more money so he can enjoy all the fine prison amenities. Does this picture I am painting seem familiar ? It should because it has not changed in 50 years the world has but not the future of the typical welfare recipient black, white or Hispanic nor will it until we make them responsible and cut off their free life line of government entitlements. I can not believe that Obama being an educated man wants not only to continue benefits but to add more to the government burden with the wave of illegal immigrants that are here now and more are coming. The free lunch is over Obama elections are coming in the fall you better fly Air Force One to all your getaways A.S.A.P. because Gloom and Doom is on the horizon. The people are getting ready to let you know who is really in charge and it isn't you. THINK ABOUT IT.
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