Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Show Just Goes On & On

Well, magic mouth continues to go on & on is this guy plain stupid or just so arrogant that he thinks he can continue to bully all of us Americans into his latest disaster of health care. Please let your friends in Washington ( Ha Ha ) know that if they vote for this disaster they will be out of a job next election. I agree with Joe the Plumber when he says get rid of all the career politicians and impose term limits on the new ones voted in and that includes John McCain who wants to be reelected but can not even keep his own house in order so I ask how can he continue to help run the government. His wife is now for gay marriage and they call them selves Christians another politician just feathering his nest with a lot of hot air. If ever we need to stand together and fight for American values the time is now we can not let this beautiful country go down the drain because of the current administration and it's social policy's. Pelosi , Reed, Rangel and Obama have to go and that is only half the battle the Republicans must demonstrate they have learned something from watching all this plus there own mistakes from there past Republican administration and finally restore fiscal responsibility to our government. THINK ABOUT IT !


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