Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dictator in the making

Well here we are dealing with the anointed once again with his feeble attempt to change the AZ law. He reminds me of God's word in Exodus 20 verses 1-5 this man sees himself in a God like image it is disgusting and we have two more years to go. Now he wants to turn over our space technology over to the Muslim World does this sound familiar, is this man crazy or just plain stupid. He is out to destroy our country and probably will want to change the Constitution and be the permanent president. He does what ever he wants with no regards for the wants of the people and of course everyone who voted for him is in denial. I can't hardly wait to see how he will attempt to ram the new immigration laws he wants through congress. And as for Gen. McCrystal he too is a liberal puke and I am glad he is out. I guess I am angry today because I am seeing my whole life go down the drain and our value system with it and it scares the hell out of me because it leaves me feeling helpless. The only person we can rely on is Jesus Christ. THINK ABOUT IT!


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