True Salvation
As we get closer to election night people are getting frantic and so are the candidates ads on T.V. are saying vote for me not my opponent because of various reason some good some bad. The time is getting short which way shall I go can I trust my judgement to pick the right person. So this seems to me that is how people look at religion . Today as I write this could be the last day before Jesus comes, the door will be closed to salvation and many will be left behind because they felt no urgency to accept Jesus or they just were not interested at this time. There is no religion that offers you complete forgiveness for your sins and an after life of eternal bliss other then Christianity. There are no ads on T.V. telling you when the day is coming for redemption and it will be next Tuesday instead we are given a book to read that tells us to be prepared at all times because Jesus tells us I will come like a thief in the night no one know the hour but our Heavenly Father. Romans 5:8 tells us God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners , Christ died for us.. In good times and bad times, our greatest need should be our Heavenly Father. Pray to him like your life depends upon it. It does! THINK ABOUT IT.
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