Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Reflection Time

Once again as the year 2011 closes we look forward to the new year and what it has to offer in the way of salvation.  Now salvation can mean many things each person must look to there own problems hoping to find a solution and some inner piece and perhaps salvation to some  major problems in there lives. It appears to me that  my generation  seems to be the last one that  sees the world as it really is not thru the rose colored windows that the now generation seems to accept.  I have lived to see many changes in the world I remember when a dollar was truly a dollar backed up by a Silver  Certificate not a piece of paper that says Federal Reserve Note which  today means nothing because who knows how much longer this government will continue to print this worthless paper.  I read the paper everyday and see amazing  prices for items that in one year are obsolete or discontinued I see car prices that  cost as much as my parents first home, credit debt is out of control and if the people can not control there spending how do we expect our government to control theres after all are they to not  also the people.  And I read with amazement  the sport page  as they report the outlandish  salary's of our professional athletics who at the end of there careers are broke , in jail or on drugs or AA programs. Can anyone but me see how completely the world is spinning out of control faster and faster  and people  are having  no regard for anything or anyone respecting only one thing GREED and how they can obtain more of it.  I believe that Satan ( who's name should be  been changed to Greed ) is trying as hard as he can to grab as many souls as he can because he feels the strength of the Lord and he knows his time is short  the world can not and will not survive much more of this continued disrespect for human life. Rev 1-8 says it quite clearly  "I am the Alpha and the Omega"says the Lord God, "who is and who was and who is to come." THINK ABOUT IT !


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