Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Bail Out

As we read the left wing newspapers and listen to the left wing newscasters one must come to the conclusion that there is something wrong here.  Do you realize that most people can not handle their lives  let alone their finances.  That is why we are having so many problems, I say find the answer to your own problems and you will be on the way back to rebuilding your life properly.  You can start by  living within your means buying  only what you can afford,  and quite thinking your neighbor has more than you do and if he does who cares ? The government is not here to support you  and if you expect it to well then I guess you should vote for a Democrat in the fall who promises unlimited health care, abortion clinics for mothers who not want  children, unlimited unemployment. gay marriages,  open borders and of course unlimited welfare for those who do not want to work after all work is hard and they certainly do not want to make life hard for anyone. Do you realize they  are talking about socialism  which borders on communism and we all the dangers of that. Wake up America there is no free ride in life someone has to pay for all these programs and guess what it's you.  You better remember this in November.

Monday, June 9, 2008


It is funny how everyone is trying to find the right person they think can control the world and all of it's problems like war, crime, disease, domestic violence, economic corruption, racism and even natural disasters but first one must understand that  these  are really  all the out come, directly or indirectly, of one thing that is sin. When we all start to realize that and put our faith back to where it should be in Jesus Christ then we will be on the path of redemption.  God has always given us  control of our destiny to make our own decisions that is what separates us from animals but to many times we have made the wrong choices.  Man does not live by bread alone man is born of the spirit and once he realizes that someday that  spirit will return to HIS creator and he will then have to  face his sins and then maybe just maybe he will return to his faith and  TO HIS CHURCH of choice.