Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Old Guy

Well, John Mccain showed us all.  He definitely is not afraid to make strong decisions.  This shows us one thing he is on top of his game.  Obama still can not get it straight back and forth back and forth the last three months have showed us he is not ready to lead this nation.  I think Gov. Palin was the best choice he could have made and a maverick  like him able to reach across party lines if she has to in order to get the job done.  It is going to be very interesting as we watch history play this scenario out the next 67 days. This is the time for change in Washington and I believe Mccain/Palin are the ones that are going to do it.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Convention 2008

As I watch this convention I came to the realization how uneducated most people are.  There is the group complaining it is time for a women in the White House I ask where have they been and do they read history books in school to my knowledge there has always been a women in the White House and there job is very important they help their husbands in many area's of government issues. And I have another question that bothers me why do we have to have a women in the White House as President because this group thinks it is time ? I thought it should be the most qualified individual not there gender  that counts. And another thing are the veterans outside  that are protesting the war do they ever shower, shave or change there dirty clothes what an example they are to our children.  And then there are the mothers who are protesting , and who  are frightened that a new Republican administration  will appoint more Supreme Court  Judges that may reverse WADE VS. ROE and stop the murder of all these unwanted children. There are  concerned that it will set women back 40 years but what about the unborn child who has nothing to say about this decision. Do you realize after three weeks of conception the unborn child has developed a nervous system and can feel pain. And do you know how they perform abortions and how painful it is ? Pro choice is nothing short of murder and all doctors and mothers who participate should be charged accordingly.  The women new when she had unprotected sex that she could get pregnant but obviously did not care because she could always murder her unborn child. And finally there is Senator Obama who wants to be president and says it is time for a change and we are going to take the country back and everyday has a new idea on how to do it my question  is back from where as far as I know we did not go anywhere and as for change he wants to raise taxes, allow the illegals  to stay in our country, support gay marriage and abortions and let us not forget health care haven't we heard this all before?  THINK ABOUT IT.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

China The Red Horde

Today everyone seems to still care only about oneself.  They do not like the price of gas, food is to high, medical insurance and drugs are out of sight, homes are too expensive the list goes on and on.  But what they should be thinking about is how to protect America from it's real  enemies which by the way is not the Muslims.  If one would take the time to read there Bible they would see very clearly in print what is ahead of us.  As we get closer to the  promised Rapture you will see the real threat is Russia and China.  China has 1/5th of the world population and is positioning itself  for world domination they are running out of land for farming and will be looking to other countries to feed them and support there people.  They are ruled by a government that does not believe in religion and today all Christians are being persecuted  for there beliefs.  And then  there is Russia who just completed selling  weapons to our enemy Iran for more profit then ever.  The bible warns us about the Bear and the Red Horde in Revelations and as we all know the Russian symbol has always been the Bear and the Chinese have always been referred to as the Red Horde. If you really care about your immortal soul and the after life find a Bible preaching church and get yourself prepared .  Look around today at what is happening in the world the music is terrible, young people taking drugs, movies are filled with filth and trash they praise homosexuality and then there is abortion which amounts to committing murder and no one cares the churches are empty on Sunday but the golf courses are filled do you find something wrong with this picture ? For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever believeth in him shall nor perish but ever lasting life.  John 3 :16 THINK ABOUT IT.