Money Problems
To try and understand what is happening today in the world of business and finance one must realize that this mess was created by greed from the companies and greed from the consumer. We have become a nation of more more more to make us happy we have to have the bigger car. home, and all the toys that go with it to show everyone how great we are when no one really cares. As long as we continue to live this way nothing will ever change it will just go from one problem to another. Look back at the great depression and think of where we are today right back in the same mess as we were then the only thing is we have found ways to hang on because we are a little smarter we just print more money and of course we the tax payers will cover all loses. Are government needs to here from us at this next election do not sit on you laurels and say we can not do anything we can with MCcain & Palin.