Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Big Question

What can Obama do next?  He has no clue  on how to run this country.  This just goes to show you just because you were smart in college does not mean you understand the business world and one must always remember the country is the business world.  The problem with this administration is too many lawyers, not enough tough businessmen who understand what is going on in the real world.  Obama and Pelosi are  going to take us down hard. Remember this Obama promised change and that is what we are getting.  What a shame that we never learned  anything from the last  Democratic fiasco  Clinton finally got it right near the end and went toward the middle. Carter was a disaster and still is and how can we forget Johnson and his great society. It is endless the problems that they pose and then there is Teddy what a despicable human being he is thank God he is nearing the end and will finally get what he deserves. One can only hope that when the next election in 2010 occurs we can start to rebuild our country the right way the only problem is God only knows which way that is.  THINK ABOUT IT.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Democrats at their best

Interesting events happening in Georgia. The state senate has voted unanimously to pass a law stating all voters are required to have a birth certificate, passport, or any other supporting documents to prove that they are an American citizen if they don't have any of these documents they cannot vote.
Now, what do you think the democrats had to say about this law. Immediately they were against it calling it a pole tax and saying this is unfair to lower income citizens who cannot afford to furnish these documents for lack of money.
It is amazing to me how these people think. They will do anything to stay in power. In 1954, President Eisenhower put together a plan and removed 13 million illegal Mexicans from this country. It took 2 years to complete this mission. With all the troops  returning from the Korean war he wanted to make sure that there would be plenty of jobs available for them when they came home. How do you think the Democrats felt when they read this Presidential order, they were up in arms because of the potential loss of illegal voters that kept them in power. 
Republicans certainly have their problems and don't always make the best decisions but if one studies their history when President Lincoln introduced the Republican party in 1860 this country has flourished under all the preceding Presidents for the next 70 years which were all Republicans.
Believing in God, honor and country are the standard bearer for this party. They don't support the murder of babies called abortion, or the right of two men or two women having sex a natural act and approving of this unnatural union calling it a marriage.
Now we are looking at 4 years of turmoil by Mr Obama. He promised changes and as we can see he certainly is doing that. This is just the beginning. Please contact you representatives and let them know if they don't protect you as citizens they won't be having their cushy jobs in Washington for long. The time to act is now.