Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dodge Ball

Well, we all have heard that Obama is a lousy bowler but I think with a little more time in office he will become a Dodge Ball expert.  After his speech today he clearly opened up a can of worms about the fact he is clearly thinned skinned and has trouble handling defeat.  His own party has showed that they too will only go so far with his left wing agenda and his need for absolute power.  He really showed his true colors and emotions  when he tried to turn his current defeat around and talk down President Bush and his administration so he will look good. This man has to be on T.V. once a month  telling everyone how great he is and how the economy is going to be so great, what planet is he on.  The economy is terrible, he has spent us into decades of recovery, he has no foreign policy, he has weakened our government defense of  the country  and he tap dances to any foreign power requests so that everyone will like him and call him the great redeemer instead of the great deceiver.  What an ego and it is just getting started.  THINK ABOUT IT.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Final Word

What appears to this writer is how Obama seems to distance himself from any Christian values and thinks that he is now become the final word.  To date he does not attend any church services and he certainly showed his arrogance by not attending the national prayer breakfast on thursday which by the way all of our other presidents have.  To me it appears that he does not want to offend the left so he is reducing all interest in God and the Presidency. All he wants to do is talk on the T.V when ever he gets a chance and tell us how wonderful things will be and what a great decision maker he is and he and the government will solve all our problems. Does this remind you of any other world leaders who were in love with themselves and thought they could fool  the people too.  Some come to mind  Stalin, Hitler, Napoleon, Castro ETC... The list goes on  and on and when it was all over the only thing left was the carnage and lack of faith that they created. In ISAIAH 43 Vs 8 it states " I am the Lord that is my name: My glory will I not give to another, neither My praise to graven images. "Words to live by. THINK ABOUT IT.