Christ in America
It saddens me when I read the paper this morning, we have a major crisis in America that is much more important than our financial one. Our leaders have become blasphemers, homosexuals, and atheists. The thought of another world other than this one is beyond their imagination. Our country was based upon our founding fathers belief in a Heavenly world. We have become a country of non believers. Our faith has been put on our dollar bill. We no longer make an effort to raise our children and our grandchildren to have a compelling desire to go to church, to read their Bible, to obey their parents and grandparents. The largest block of Lutherans called the ELCA has shamed us beyond our wildest imagination by accepting gay couples that are living together in sin to become permanent members of the church clergy. How can members of the Lutheran church support such a miscarriage of humanity? I know and have talked to people who are atheists or search out other religious choices other than Christianity under the guise that God offers eternal peace to other groups of people other than Christians. Let it be clearly understood the Bible is the inspired WORD of God. I will reference two major scriptures of value that will clearly explain the truth. Isaiah 42:8 states I am the Lord; that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another; neither my praise to graven images. John 3:35-36 states The Father loveth the son and hath given all things unto his hand. He that believeth on the son hath everlasting life: and he believeth not the son shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him. The choices we make in our earthly world will affect us temporarily , the choices we make about our Heavenly world will equally affect us forever. In Luke 4:8 the message speaks quite clearly to our hearts and minds, And Jesus answered and said unto him, get thee behind me Satan; for it is written, thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and Him only thou shalt serve. THINK ABOUT IT.