Sunday, November 22, 2009

It's Time

Well I am quite sure most of us are not happy about the results of Saturdays vote in congress. If we do not act quickly the results of that vote will be overwhelming and once again bury us in a sea of debt. We have to hold these insane Democrats under control or we will continue to loose more freedom every day one can only imagine this Obama is worse then Hitler with his look at the world. He is evil at it's best trying conquer the U.S.A. with deception and treachery. The masses are too busy watching Dancing with the Stars on T.V. or some other reality show and do not even understand that the reality of life is happening now in front of their very eyes. We must wake these people up to the real world to many say oh well what can we do that is just the way it is what happened to the fight for freedom that we were know for all these last 210 years. Where are the Thomas Jefferson's , Ben Franklin's and Patrick Henry's who once spoke these now famous words which inflamed a nation "GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH " you better watch out America or you might see in your lifetime the Death of the mightiest nation that God ever created. THINK ABOUT IT!