Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Obama Magic At It Best

Does anybody believe this man ? His state of the Union message was terrible. His ego is even bigger then before and he thinks he is God. He still wants no change in the way the government is conducting there business, he wants more stimulus money , no change on health care, and of course is going to continue to press for more taxes and continued loss of benefits with Medicare and Medicaid for the elderly. And of course the press continues to say he is not a liberal and they are probably right he might really be a communist or socialist in disguise. He is the worst President since Jimmy Carter ( who by the way is hated in Georgia for his liberal point of view ) they both wanted big government to control everything which of course kills the work effort of decent Americans. Obama's ego is so big that he does not even realize or recognize that he has just suffered three major defeats in VA, NJ And MA the people are not going to vote for any democrats until they see the change which Obama promised. I have message for him (What a man does tell us is what he really is. ) This is a quote from his hero Franklin D Roosevelt . Wake up Obama your dream is over. THINK ABOUT IT.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How Sweet It Is

Finally the voice of the people is being heard ! What a wonderful evening on Fox cable news last night watching the results of a victory for the Republicans . At last we are fighting back. Obama and his crew are going to find out that you can not ram anything you want down the throats of the American people. Obama's time will be as short as Jimmy ( the weasel) Carter's was and we can only hope and pray that we can control the damage that he will do to us in this time period. One thing about being an American we have the CAN DO SPIRIT no other nation has this choice because most are under the liberal way of life which takes all the spirit out of you. Government is not suppose to be your way of life it should be standing by to help you not control you. The hero of the Democrats Theodore Roosevelt who was said to have saved the U.S prior to world war two was a hater of the Jewish people but he claimed to be the great defender of human rights , in the beginning of WW two there were a thousand Jews that sailed from Europe to the U.S asking for asylum and he refused them and sent them back to Germany where they died in prison death camps. He also refused to bomb these death camps and save the Jew's saying he wanted to spend the money on getting to Berlin as fast as he could to stop the war. That is your Democratic party at it's best. Read the book Voyage Of The Damed it is an eye opener about the Democrates and what they stand for. GOD BLESS THE STATE OF ISRAEL AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THOSE WHO CHOOSE TO FIGHT FOR THERE RIGHTS. THINK ABOUT IT.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Faith ???


A good example has more value than good advice.

Does anyone see or understand why our government is failing. Our current administration has no value system so henceforth no good advice, they took God out of the school and government offices and buildings and in some cases the church. Today, government wants abortion rights, gay marriages, and a very corrupt government run by people who value only the almighty dollar and their cushy job in government. Our faith is being tested like never before. We are like Abraham blindly leading his family into the new land promised by the Lord the only difference is
He had faith and believed in God's promise above all things.