The Real Value of things to come
As I watched the events that are happening in the Middle East one has to consider all the alternatives that are being presented to us at this time in history. We are and have been considered for a long time as the last generation. The value system today is in total chaos, Wall Street is a disaster, foreign currency is now becoming a disaster, the real estate bubble is over and I laugh when I hear the commercials on television telling us to invest in gold it is the only security that can save you at this time. Whether you believe it or not Biblical prophecy is moving forward in a rapid pace. Genesis 17:8 - Our Heavenly Father made a covenant with the Jews and gave them the land of Canaan as an everlasting possession and He promised He would be their God to those who were faithful to Him. Later on in history the Romans conquered the Jews they wanted the Jews to worshiped their pagan gods. The Jews retaliated and remained faithful to their God Jehovah. Because of this disobedience the Romans struck from the map at that time the Land of Canaan and replaced it with Palestine. The Lord scattered the Jews throughout the world with the promise that at the right time He would return them to the Land of Canaan. At the start of World War II He began to keep His promise He led the Jews back to the Land of Canaan. This cause a multitude of problems but God was faithful and brought them back in 1948 to the land recognized today as Israel this became the first Jewish state in over 2,000 years. This was the beginning of the fulfillment of God's promise to His people. He said when My people once again united as a nation know that I am coming again like a thief in the night and be prepared. Another fulfillment of prophecy was the unification of the original Roman empire which is now 7 countries in Europe forming a coalition to destroy Israel. You can choose to ignore these events but as I said before all people will someday bend their knee to the Lord Jesus Christ some with awe and reverence others with fear and despair knowing that they failed to accept Jesus Christ as the savior of the whole world. So as you can see we have no value system to protect us only our love of the Holy Bible and Jesus Christ as our redeemer. We all will have to make this choice some day what will you choose - eternal life through salvation or eternal damnation for your lack of faith. THINK ABOUT IT.