World at war guaranteed no mistake
I wonder how many people that have avoided thinking about any form of religion, seeing people that choose a religious life as weak and slightly right off center. Now, we are looking at a world which most of us would have never dreamed that these conditions that we are facing today would have ever happened. We grew up in a life of privilege, every Friday night the poor man took his family to Taco Bell or McDonald's etc. The middle class man took his family to Red Lobster, Olive Garden or an Italian restaurant serving wonderful very large pizzas. The rich man would be at a country club fine dining restaurant, Morton Steakhouse or a very fancy five star french restaurant. Do you get the picture? Money was available, people believed in the government, the banks, Wall Street and anything the local real estate broker would tell them. We were living in a bubble that had been created because no one was watching the store. This actually started with the Carter administration where the liberals sought to provide all kinds of benefits to lazy Americans so they could keep their fat cat jobs in Washington. Church, family values, a conservative way of living and handling your money have all been abolished. People are looking for anything that will make them feel good so they do not have to think, work, only to pleasure themselves, alas comes the drug culture of the 60's which of course has destroyed the family value system, enhanced the homosexual lifestyle of which we are now dealing with today and let us also throw in the 60 million babies who have been aborted due to the lack of a family values system. I can go on and on with this picture but what I really want to say READ YOUR BIBLE and it will tell you what is happening in the world and what is going to happen. The Arabs want to eliminate the Jewish people living in Israel, God will never let that happen. They are His chosen people. They have suffered for thousands of years and still they are faithful to God. Your liberal democratic president Theodore Roosevelt was given the opportunity to save a boat load of Jewish immigrants (movie the " Ship of fools") but he rejected their immigration status to the United States and they were shipped back to Germany were 95% of them perished in German death camps. He also was given a chance to bomb the railroads taking our Jewish brothers and sisters to death camps and he then made the decision to bomb Berlin first therefore adding his decision which continued the annihilation of the Jews. It is time for people to understand trees, flowers, animals, beautiful mountains, wonderful farm lands were not just a work of nature, they were a created from the hand of God. If a person will take time to research their Bible they will see that what is happening today is no mistake. Our Bible talks about the destruction of the family value system, there will be wars and rumors of wars, unexplained earthquakes, and starvation around the world that is going to continue. It predicts governments that are going to collapse, currency as we know it today is going to become worthless. Your president Obama is setting himself up to be a permanent ruler by focusing all his attention to foreign governments that are not partial to us. He already is proposing a one world currency and a one world government that will be beneficial to the control of the people. George Soros and his band of liberals are looking forward to this so they can become part of this one world government. If you choose to become a religious person or not the signs are upon us, the end of the world as we know it is coming very quickly. My advice please heed these words " For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 THINK ABOUT IT.