Thursday, May 19, 2011

Our Muslim President At Work

Once again Obama has showed his true colors not only is he a coward and a socialist he is now backing down on our promises to always defend our Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel . If he were a real Christian he would know that all that land controlled by Palestine including the city of Jerusalem belongs to the Jews. God made a covenant with the Jewish nation and gave them their promised land which was referred to as Goshen. When the Romans conquered Israel they had one major problem with the Jews at that time the Romans had many gods but the Jews would only worship their one God called Jehovah. This made the Romans very angry and they said the Jews were a very stiffed neck people. In that time period Goshen the land of the Jews was on the then world map. In angry the Romans struck the name Goshen off the map and put in Palestine. In 1947, as to God's promise that He made to the Jews that they would someday come back to their promised land called Israel.The Palestinians were very upset and offered the Jews a very narrow strip of land that was 8 miles wide that did not include the city of Jerusalem. In 1967, in the so called 6 day war the Jews fought and expanded their land to 42 miles wide and partial control of the city of Jerusalem. Now the president wants the Jews to go back to the 8 mile wide strip of land they had prior to 1967. None of that land belongs to Palestine it all belongs to Israel and to the Jews. If you are a Christian you must pray for Israel and it's deliverance. These are God's chosen people. In Romans 11:26 "And all Israel shall be saved as it is written, there shall come out of Zion the deliverer and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob." It clearly states God's promise to the Jews throughout the Bible God has said for those who turn against my people I will turn against them. This president we've got is clearly not a man of Christian beliefs and principles. We must as a nation stand up for Israel. THINK ABOUT IT !

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bad Decision Once Again By Obama

If he truly masterminded and gave the order to the Navy Seals for this mission to get Osama Bin Laden like he said then he should also take responsibility for his murder. The man was in bed with his wife sleeping he had no weapons in the room he was never given the chance to surrender he and his wife were both shot she lived he was murdered Does this make us any better then him.? If this was done by a police department in the U.S. the policemen would be called murderers but since it was a military unit and authorized by the President it is being swept under the rug and of course they will not release any photos they want this over and forgotten as soon as possible. I think that he should have had his day in court so we could have interrogated him properly and found out more about his organization. The way this was handled was completely wrong they went on a search and destroy mission it should have been capture first we missed a golden opportunity for a wealth of lost information that could have saved many military lives in the future. This is only going to in flame the radical Muslim world because of his murder instead of his potential capture for more major retaliation against us. THINK ABOUT IT!