Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Reflection Time

Once again as the year 2011 closes we look forward to the new year and what it has to offer in the way of salvation.  Now salvation can mean many things each person must look to there own problems hoping to find a solution and some inner piece and perhaps salvation to some  major problems in there lives. It appears to me that  my generation  seems to be the last one that  sees the world as it really is not thru the rose colored windows that the now generation seems to accept.  I have lived to see many changes in the world I remember when a dollar was truly a dollar backed up by a Silver  Certificate not a piece of paper that says Federal Reserve Note which  today means nothing because who knows how much longer this government will continue to print this worthless paper.  I read the paper everyday and see amazing  prices for items that in one year are obsolete or discontinued I see car prices that  cost as much as my parents first home, credit debt is out of control and if the people can not control there spending how do we expect our government to control theres after all are they to not  also the people.  And I read with amazement  the sport page  as they report the outlandish  salary's of our professional athletics who at the end of there careers are broke , in jail or on drugs or AA programs. Can anyone but me see how completely the world is spinning out of control faster and faster  and people  are having  no regard for anything or anyone respecting only one thing GREED and how they can obtain more of it.  I believe that Satan ( who's name should be  been changed to Greed ) is trying as hard as he can to grab as many souls as he can because he feels the strength of the Lord and he knows his time is short  the world can not and will not survive much more of this continued disrespect for human life. Rev 1-8 says it quite clearly  "I am the Alpha and the Omega"says the Lord God, "who is and who was and who is to come." THINK ABOUT IT !

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Lost Americans

Without looking or thinking like a bigot I have pondered my thoughts very carefully and came to some very frightening conclusions who really supports America on the 4th of July, Veterans Day, Presidents Day the Jerry Lewis Telethon Etc they are mostly conservative white Americans. The majority of Americans who are liberal are Poor Whites, Blacks, Spanish, Asians, Muslims and a mixture of other cultures and all they have time for is lining up for the freebies that the Democrats want to hand out. The only time the Blacks get together is on MLK Day, the Spanish on Cinco de Mayo and the rest do not celebrate anything other then maybe their religious holidays. In general, they do not attend sporting events unless they participate and they do not as a group do anything special on the holidays mentioned above it is the white Americans who support the sporting events that pay tremendous money to the Black and Spanish athletes who very seldom give anything back to their community or participate in any fund raising special events for the poor and needy. When is the last time you saw any of this group on T.V. helping when natural disasters have occurred. or offering to give large amounts of there money to help a worthy causes it appears to me that yes we conservatives are truly becoming the lost Americans. THINK ABOUT IT !

Friday, November 4, 2011

Time To Decide

How often do we stop and think I wish I had more time to decide. This can mean many things that you are thinking about such as do I go see a friend in the hospital today or tomorrow , or maybe take a trip to see old friends should I go this summer or maybe next time or can I afford to make that new purchase ETC. The time to decide is a very precious gift and must be used very carefully because it can be a life changing experience. Steve Jobs the master mind of Apple Computer was given that chance to make a major life changing decision , in his personnel life he tried it all drugs of choice when he was growing up living with a women and having a child with her with out benefit of marriage but in his own words he was never quite settled even with all his success in the business world he always felt there was more to life then fame and fortune he choose to search out different religions such as Buddhism , Hinduism Etc but as he lay in his bed dieing he choose to read his bible that his parents had given him as a child and he came to realize there was only one true God not one made of stone but a living God who sent his only son to die on the cross for our sins so we could all be in heaven with him and at that point he made his decision to except Jesus Christ as his lord and savior and as he passed his last words to his family were OH WOW, OH WOW, OH WOW Steve had time to decide and choose it wisely do you have time ? THINK ABOUT IT !

Friday, October 7, 2011

Fixing The Government

Well once again we are faced with our mistakes that we voted for in 2008 and how it is really effecting us today. Obama is the worst President since Jimmy Carter and still many citizens refuse to open there eyes and see the truth. He is trying to pit the middle & lower class against the wealthy it seems to me Stalin tried that with the Russian people and after 70 years it fell apart after 30 million Russian people had been murdered. And of course there is China same thing. Thank God we have the tea party with out them I am afraid life as we know it today would be over. We have to get rid of those career politicians with there hands out only for the money they can get from the lobbyists . We must support candidates who really want to save our country by bringing this outlandish spending under control and return us to a more Democratic and smaller Government. And if one really looks at the problems you will see that this is are our only hope for the future If it were up to the liberals we would be involved in major class warfare against the wealthy and if they had there way I believe they would at some point want to put a salary cap on what the wealthy could earn and redistribute the rest of there money to the Government to spend on social programs for people that do not want to work. Look at what is happening in Europe today it is collapsing under it's social programs half the people in England our on welfare Greece and France our soon to follow and if we do not chose wisely in the coming election it can happen to us. THINK ABOUT IT!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Our Government

What a mess in Washington and we the people have only to blame ourselves. For years, we have left the biggest bunch of thieves run our lives - yes run our lives. We have only to blame ourselves all we cared about was getting everything we could in big benefits for nothing greed controlled our thinking and of course the greediest of all was Washington politicians. No one reads the newspaper any more they are too busy watching reality TV shows like Dancing with the Stars,Ugly Betty and Are you smarter then a 5th Grader which of course most people are or they would not allow these stupid mindless shows on T.V. Wake up America you the people can force Washington to bend to your will there should be term limits on all government officials and no more lobbyists that keep us under their control and there way of doing business with there fat wallets that are are filled with payoff dollars to give to our corrupt politicians so they can stay in office and continue to bleed us dry. You can demand term limits two for a Congressman , one for a Senator then they would have to do the will of the people . But I am sorry to say no one wants too stand up it takes courage it is much easier to put your head in the sand and hope for the best which by the way has got us where we are today. You never bothered to look into Obama's past he just filled your head with a bunch of lies that you bought into. He had no experience in running any type of business and he was the most liberal Senator we ever had in the Senate I repeat the most Liberal Senator we ever had in the Senate so what did you expect he would be like as a President a changed politician really ? Well guess what he did not live up to his campaign promises and look where we are today. he and his wife have spent millions of our tax payer dollars on there frivolous vacations and trips around the world. Did you know his wife has 33 people that wait on her and that he took 500 people to England for three day to visit the Queen which included six doctors, 200 secret service personnel, 35 cars and a helicopter etc. If you have not learned by now that the Liberal Democrats want to destroy our form of successful government with empty promises of a great society where the government gives you everything you want for free then you deserve what you get in the next election which will be a continuation of what we are getting today. THINK ABOUT IT !

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Kingdom Of Obama

I can hardly wait for the 2012 election to get this President removed from office. He and his wife are spending our money like there is no tomorrow. He took five hundred people with him for a three day visit to the U.K. He has spent us to near disaster in 2 1/2 years and then gets on the television and tells we have to stop spending. Does he even know that his administration is the one doing this? His wife has 33 people that wait on her beckoned call to assist her, Laura Bush had one, Hillary Clinton had two. They use Air Force One to fly them all over the country for their personal entertainment not bothering to care what it cost the tax payers. They think they are the King and Queen of the U.S.A. and all the revenue collected is for them to spend. If you recall in the beginning King Obama could not stay off the television. He was on it every other day for months this shows you how immature he is and his wife is worst she has been caught saying she hates the White House staff that they need more African Americans. Obama has no foreign policy, the Europeans think he is a joke he does not want to protect Israel or their borders and he refuses to stand up to the Muslim nations. All he can talk about is destroying the rich people in this country because he says they have too much so he wants them to give to people who have less. This sounds like a typical welfare person or lower class uneducated African American that make excuses for their lack of motivations. Most people who fall into this category are there because they want to be. THINK ABOUT IT !

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Our Muslim President At Work

Once again Obama has showed his true colors not only is he a coward and a socialist he is now backing down on our promises to always defend our Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel . If he were a real Christian he would know that all that land controlled by Palestine including the city of Jerusalem belongs to the Jews. God made a covenant with the Jewish nation and gave them their promised land which was referred to as Goshen. When the Romans conquered Israel they had one major problem with the Jews at that time the Romans had many gods but the Jews would only worship their one God called Jehovah. This made the Romans very angry and they said the Jews were a very stiffed neck people. In that time period Goshen the land of the Jews was on the then world map. In angry the Romans struck the name Goshen off the map and put in Palestine. In 1947, as to God's promise that He made to the Jews that they would someday come back to their promised land called Israel.The Palestinians were very upset and offered the Jews a very narrow strip of land that was 8 miles wide that did not include the city of Jerusalem. In 1967, in the so called 6 day war the Jews fought and expanded their land to 42 miles wide and partial control of the city of Jerusalem. Now the president wants the Jews to go back to the 8 mile wide strip of land they had prior to 1967. None of that land belongs to Palestine it all belongs to Israel and to the Jews. If you are a Christian you must pray for Israel and it's deliverance. These are God's chosen people. In Romans 11:26 "And all Israel shall be saved as it is written, there shall come out of Zion the deliverer and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob." It clearly states God's promise to the Jews throughout the Bible God has said for those who turn against my people I will turn against them. This president we've got is clearly not a man of Christian beliefs and principles. We must as a nation stand up for Israel. THINK ABOUT IT !