Friday, January 23, 2009

The Democratic Party

Well, here we go again more of the same party line that the Democrats have always tried to make us swallow.  They tried to tell us that FDR saved us with the new deal in the great depression when what really saved us was World War Two.  Kennedy is the town  drunk, liar, rapist, and of course let us not forget that he let a women drown  in a car he was driving.  His brother JFK had no guts either  do we all remember the Bay Of Pigs when he left those men to die on the beach, his presidency was in shambles when he went to Dallas TX  to try and resurrect it before his next election, then there was LBJ a hopeless alcoholic who spent us into oblivion  with his great society and of course he could not handle the Vietnam War that JFK got us into so he ducked out and ran for cover.  And how can anyone forget Jimmy ( the worm ) Carter who to this day supports Communist Governments what a joke he was and finally the Clinton era I will say one thing he at least gave us some great stories to read in the newspaper and he did balance the budget but he too ignored the Muslim threats coming from the middle east and dumped it on President Bush and now there is Obama and look what he is doing in his first two days he is running for cover  and trying to appease the middle east the same way all the other Democratic presidents have in the past.  Isn't it funny that they all have the same traits NO GUTS. And they want to make us a socialist government where everyone depends on them.  what a joke  Look around, the Russians tried it for 70 years and it did not work  the Chinese have failed so has Cuba IT WILL NOT WORK .  Nothing beats free enterprise and mans desire to succed. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mr President

Well, we have three days left with President Bush and already it has begun.  Obama is passing everything on to him and saying  I am not the president yet so I will or have no comments on any foreign policy.  The fun is just starting with this yahoo he will dodge or not answer any questions about anything because he has no answers and no experience in any public office running  the show. His lack of leadership will be felt immediately.  He has no answers does not understand anything and is too arrogant and self absorbed to ask anyone to advise him.  What a putz you think Jimmy Carter was a nightmare wait four years with this guy Carter will look like an angel.  Why does anyone vote for a Democrat they will ruin this country someday.  As  the President said at a news conference  when asked about his legacy  it does not concern him Jesus is coming.  I REST MY CASE.