Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What is Really Important

It never fails to amaze  me what people really think about and what they  really find out what is important in their lives. At this time in history and with all the crises the world is facing like health issues, loss of jobs, loss of their temporary wealth, loss of property and most of all loss of the most important thing their faith. I attend a small church of sixty five families our church is in need of repair or replacement. It was first  built in 1800 then replaced in 1870 and finally in 1960 it was rebuilt again. The cost of rebuilding this structure is 1,000,000 and some would say sixty five families in this economy will never raise that kind of money. And the answer is they are right if they are relying on money, it will never be built but if they turn that around where it should be they will realize that money will never build that church only faith will. Our society has loss something very important the word FAITH. It chooses to ignore it or simply leave it out of all conversation as something old fashion and out of date.  In the Bible,  one of the most important books is the book of Job if you read this it might help you to reaffirm your understanding of the word faith.. In the story of Job after he had lost everything his wealth, his health and all his children were dead, his wife turned to him in angry and  told him  he should " curse God and die" for what had happened but Job replied " Shall we indeed accept  only good from God; and ... not  accept adversity?'  THINK ABOUT IT !

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Real Story

It never stops amazing me how people will read the newspaper or watch the T.V. networks and believe that what they are being told or what they are reading is 100 percent believable.  But they refuse to believe or read the Holy Bible which by the way can prove  if you read it that what is printed in there is the actual truth.  The old testament prepared us for the upcoming events and the new testament proves to us that some have already happened but there are more events still to come.  There is no other religion  that offers complete salvation and  vindication for your sins  and let us also not forget the most important  eternal life. Christianity is the only religion that offers you all of this.  We are getting closer to the rapture everyday a one world government and one world currency is already being talked about by Russia and China.  This is clearly a sign that the anti-christ is working his deception and trying to get as many souls as he can before the rapture comes. Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are already pitting themselves against Israel and planning their destruction.  And to remind everyone God is quite clear  that this will never happen.  Read the book of Revelations and watch John Hagee on daystar T.V. he will explain to you quite clearly God's protection and plans for the Jewish people and it does not include there destruction by other nations. THINK ABOUT IT.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Obama Strikes Again

What is there really to write about the voters are getting what they deserve a man who can not make up his mind, soft on terrorists and is backing away daily from his campaign promises.  Now comes the issue about Bo he was supposed to be purchased from the dog pound as a show of good faith  Obama  was quite definite about that but as per his normal I will take the easy way out he left Bo's brother to die at the pound while he accepted  the gift from Mr Liberal himself Ted lets have a drink the bar is open Kennedy.  This is quite a bargain the voters are getting we have not  seen such a complete disaster since Jimmy  I wish I was a Muslim Carter.  This guy loves the camera and thinks he is a rock star.  And how about the left wing writer from the L.A. Times who hates the right and the Bush Administration  for how they handled the  war in IRAQ she is now going to advise the  Defense Department on how to handle the safety and security of this country.  Hang in there it only going to get better Mr Cool is just getting started.  THINK ABOUT IT.