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It never fails to amaze me each day as the world still has it's graven images and false prophets that men continue to adore. Michael Jackson is an example of how a person who if he would have turn his attentions to the Lord could have been a wonderful inspiration but yet he chose a life of greed and he turned his life away from the most important thing, his Christian upbringing. He became an isolated human being surrounded by very strange animals, young people and toys of a child. I believe he really missed being a real person. In Galatians 5:16 it says This I say then, walk in the Spirit and Yea shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. This is what Michael Jackson and Elvis Pressey forgot. In the end what life did they really have, they couldn't go anywhere, they couldn't have a normal conversation with anyone, they had no friends, no nourishment of the Spirit, and they had really if you look at it very clearly lost their souls. They were both very dependent on their mothers, drugs, the seclusion of night because they couldn't sleep because of their tortured minds. And look what they really did for the world NOTHING. All the adoration was centered on them. Elvis Presley was going broke and Michael Jackson died broke. This legacy is shared not only by major entertainers, athletes, government officials but by probably 75% of the people of the world. It is time for people to realize one thing growing up and facing life is very serious and should be a treasured moment in time. Savored like a rare wine.
In 1 Corinthians 13:11, it tells us When I was a child, I spake as a l child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. There is a time when everyone should realize there's only one answer to all the problems of the world and his name is Jesus Christ. THINK ABOUT IT.