Friday, April 30, 2010

What Is Really Fair

As I read the various stories in the newspaper opposing the new law in AZ I begin to wonder where common sense and fair play have disappeared to. The President tells us blatantly on T.V. that some of us make too much money and he does not think that it is fair what planet does this man live on even the Bible tells us" if a man does work he shall not eat" he just wants to keep all his 5 1/2 million to himself and of course being a typical black gave only 1 percent to charity no President to date on record has ever given such a small amount and by the way George Bush gave 10 per cent. But to continue on with the disrespect of AZ law I read that one women with a tear in her eye was very upset that she had sell her trailer at a loss to move because she had been living illegally for seven years in that home with her husband , three children and grandparents. And then there are people Mexican nationals saying we are living here peacefully and paying our taxes just because we are illegal we will probably be forced to go back to a country filled with violence they do not think it is fair. And then a large population of Catholics that are Mexican are supported by their Catholic priests who say what would Jesus do. Has anyone ever considered that they are breaking the law everyday that they live here and use are public services for free taking all the food stamps and welfare benefits and education that they can get that the real US Citizens have to work for. They are committing crimes everyday they just might not have a gun in their hand as they do it and then if they did would we then want to deport them for breaking the law ? It is not a privilege to live here it is an honor earned hundreds of years ago by men and women like my grand parents who obeyed the law and emigrated here legally. THINK ABOUT IT!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Really World

It was quite an interesting program that I picked up on talk radio last night. Talk show personality John Savage who broadcasts out of New York is the real deal. He makes more sense then any of the other conservative radio talk personality's because he does not try to be hateful nor does he bash everyone who does not agree with him. But what he was talking about this evening was his last trip to La La land Los Angeles . He was attending a Bat Mitz Vah at the Beverly Hills Wilshire Hotel and while he was there he and a few of his friends wanting a little space went to the the Polo Room at the hotel. He was gracious and decided to buy the first round of drinks for he and seven other friends when he got the bill it was over three hundred dollars with out the tip. Then out of curiosity he ordered a wine list the wine was listed for a low of $500.00 a bottle to a high of $6000.00 a bottle when questioning the waiter about the prices the waiter quickly responded that they had to lower there prices considerable because of the economy. To this writer it seems to me how out of sink the real world really is and how people have no idea what is really important gluttony is the order for the day and businesses men say lets steal as much from our customers as we can. And right in front of our face we are staring at a person who is living this nightmare and wants to continue it because he has no idea about real value systems and how they work nor does he care. Just wait till inflation hits us and taxes go sky high and people still have no jobs it seems to me that La La Land is going to expand like a giant cancer. Hang on the ride is not over yet. THINK ABOUT IT!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Free Lunch

It seems that the elusive Mr Obama once again wants to tap dance around all the important issues and promises he has made. Perhaps at his next physical they might give him a brain scan because he has memory lapses every time he pitches for more power with his "I will change the world speeches". This guy is a typical African American living in our society give me give me give me everything you can because I deserve it I do not want to work and God forbid that I should live a decent life in the homes that the government provides and of course I need more welfare money because my daughter is now pregnant with her third or fourth illegitimate child. And of course, my son is in prison for selling drugs and he needs more money so he can enjoy all the fine prison amenities. Does this picture I am painting seem familiar ? It should because it has not changed in 50 years the world has but not the future of the typical welfare recipient black, white or Hispanic nor will it until we make them responsible and cut off their free life line of government entitlements. I can not believe that Obama being an educated man wants not only to continue benefits but to add more to the government burden with the wave of illegal immigrants that are here now and more are coming. The free lunch is over Obama elections are coming in the fall you better fly Air Force One to all your getaways A.S.A.P. because Gloom and Doom is on the horizon. The people are getting ready to let you know who is really in charge and it isn't you. THINK ABOUT IT.